In the founding years of Buffalo ReUse, our mantra was “Dream It, Do It!” So when Lena Caggiano and I mused about fields of sunflowers on the East Side, we knew it was something we just had to do! Caesandra Seawell, the original Director of Community Programs at Buffalo ReUse created the name “Sunfields of Buffalo” and our idea was off and growing! Literally!
We began asking questions, researching seeds and methods, talking to other folks who’ve done what we dreamed about (like Sunflower City on the Southside of Chicago), and then we ordered thousands of seeds. We realized this was the project we wanted to kick off our first year of community programs at Buffalo ReUse. The Cold Spring neighborhood on the East Side of Buffalo has been our home since the very beginning and we’re excited to create beauty here and spread hope!
Though the City of Buffalo, Real Estate Commissioner was receptive to the idea of large “Sunfields” in the neighborhood, the process he described would have taken months. So we made other arrangements with private land owners on Jefferson Avenue, Pete Johnson lent his tractor, Larry Gainer his rototiller, and Lena and I got planting.
The sunflowers are now in FULL BLOOM! It will be the photo opportunity of the SUMMER! Come visit the first Sunfields of Buffalo, right next to the TOPS on Jefferson, this Saturday, from 11:30 am to 4:30 pm. Take photos, pick your own, and donate funds to support expanding the project in 2024!

We are awe inspired by the results and we’d like to thank all the folks that contributed to growing the Sunfields of Buffalo in our pioneer year!
Many thanks to…
Geiter Done of WNY for loads of compost
TOPS Market on Jefferson for donating a gift card and support for our cleanup day!
Michael Brundidge and Marie Industries for the access to the land on Jefferson.
Sinatra Real Estate and Nick Sinatra for the access to the land on Jefferson.
Pete Johnson for the use of his tractor
Larry Gainer for the use of his rototiller
Lena Caggiano for property research, planting, support, hugs and encouragement.
Greater Jefferson Avenue Business Association for their support of the effort and in particular, Larry and Jacqueline Stitts of Golden Cup Coffee.