ReUse Action handles donations
to Buffalo ReUse
ReUse Action handles material sales
for Buffalo ReUse
Please join with us in a renewed commitment to Buffalo ReUse and its mission
The Latest News
Sunfields Drone Video
Dream It, Do It
Jefferson Avenue Corridor Community Cleanup and Flower Planting
We Need Your Help!
Buffalo ReUse Assistance During the Blizzard of 2022
Buffalo ReUse Appoints New Board
Buffalo ReUse Timeline
Organized in 2006, incorporated in 2007
Performed first deconstruction in 2007
Opened the reclaimed materials store in 2008
Extensive community programming 2008-2011
Completed 200th building deconstruction, 2011
Peak annual sales of $750,000 in 2010
Peak employment of 15 in 2010
New Board of Directors, December 2022
Store closes, sales transferred to ReUse Action, December 2022
Community programming revived, Spring 2023

Regenerate Neighborhoods
We continue to work with others to improve the quality of life in Buffalo’s neighborhoods, including personal and community safety, food security, mental and physical health.
Current Project: We support the neighborhood in its efforts to fully restore Humboldt Parkway. We do this as a member of the East Side Parkways Coalition.
Make Buffalo Green
We continue our work on community gardens, tree planting, beautification and cleanup.

Community Education
Current Project: Rainbow House Education Collective.
Ongoing Project: We continue to guide young adults between 18 and 30 to develop the skills they need to support themselves and their community, expand their horizons and thrive.
Advocate for ReUse
We continue our work researching, experimenting, reporting and advocating for increased material reclamation and reuse.